It’s that time of year when Christmas is over and it’s back to normality, well as much as it can be in these covid times! We’ve very likely over eaten all the good food, drank a fair bit and spent a little too much money. After all the excitement of the Festive season it’s perfectly normal to feel a bit down at this time of year. Even though the January blues are real it doesn’t mean you have to get them! If you are looking for some ways on how to beat the January blues then here are a few tips for you!
Some days it might seem there is more chance of winning the lottery than finding some sunlight in January (Hello Scotland!) but a lack of daylight is partly the reason why people suffer from the ‘January Blues’. It has been proven that not getting enough sunlight and Vitamin D reduces our happy vibes and leaves us feeling bloody miserable. I am so using that excuse for being grumpy over the next couple of months! Even though it’s cold outside, wrap up warm and go out for a 20 minute walk. Not only will it get your daily steps up but it will also increase endorphins and your happiness!
Having some fun things to plan and look forward to at the end of the month can help beat the January Blues. Maybe organise a day trip somewhere with your family, a coffee and cake date with a friend you’ve not seen in ages or even a few nights away to somewhere you love. You could even plan some things at home such as a dinner party, a date night or even a movie night.
If you can, take the time to treat yourself at least once a week. Whether it’s having a long soak in the bath with a glass of Prosecco, buying yourself a bunch of your favourite flowers or taking time to read a book. No matter how miserable we are feeling doing something nice for ourselves can really lift our spirits and make us feel happier. What would you choose to treat yourself?
Sadly we can’t be like bears, squirrels and hedgehogs and hibernate during the Winter months. As lovely as it sounds sleeping during the cold months and waking up when the weather becomes warmer unfortunately work and life gets in the way so that makes it a non starter! While it is easy to stay up late to binge watch the latest box set on Netflix your body won’t thank you for it. Sleep has so many health benefits, from lowering stress to boosting our immune systems. A minimum of seven hours a night is recommended for an adult so grab those extra zzzzzz when you can.