Snowman Christmas Table Centrepiece


Although we won’t be having Christmas Dinner at our house this year, I decided to make a Snowman Christmas table centrepiece for our kitchen table.  It was so simple to make and inexpensive too.

I already had the globe vase (was bought from Home Bargains two months ago for £2.95), so I bought a pack of Glitter Snow from Poundland and a Snowman decoration from Marks & Spencer (£4).

I filled the bowl a third of the way up with the fake snow.  Then I cut the hanging ribbon off the Snowman and placed him into the snow.  And that’s it! A Snowman Christmas table centrepiece.  I did think of making a couple of Fimo Christmas Trees to put in alongside him but I really don’t have the time or can be arsed!


I think that it looks very cute and it required minimal effort to make.  Do you make your own Christmas Centrepieces or do you buy yours?  I’d love to hear what you do!

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4 responses to “Snowman Christmas Table Centrepiece”

  1. I love it. Such a fab and cute idea. I might make one myself.

  2. admin says:

    Thank you :)! If you do I would love to see it. M & S had a really cute Santa Claus decoration too that I bought so will be using that in another project. They have loads of really nice decs (also on 3 for 2)! 🙂 xx

  3. That is so cute! I can't wait to see your Santa Claus decoration you mentioned in comment above! I found some time to make a few crocheting items I plan on posting next week!

    • admin says:

      Thanks Pilar :)! I'm just hoping that I have enough time to do everything! I hadn't seen any notifications of your posts for a while but I see that you do have new blog posts up. I look forward to seeing your crocheted items x

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