One Year Blogiversary Giveaway


As it is coming up for my Blog’s First Birthday I thought that I would host a giveaway!

When I first started my blog I never expected for anyone to read it never mind comment on it or follow me so thank you to all of you wonderful people who take the time to read my posts and also for your lovely comments that I enjoy reading.  Apart from those random Anonymous ones that appear spouting crap and wanting you to follow their dodgy sites, I don’t enjoy reading those!!

What’s up for grabs?

A small Yankee Candle Jar in Fluffy Towels fragrance
Lush Dorothy Bubble Bar
Lush Creamy Candy Bath Bubble Bar
Lush Dragon’s Egg Bath Ballistic
Along Came Betty’s Hands that do Wishes Hand Cream

What do I need to do?

Enter via Rafflecopter below.  This giveaway is open to UK residents only due to postage (sorry to my lovely International readers)

Boring bits

T&C’s are listed in Rafflecopter’s Widgets.
A winner will be chosen by random from all valid entries.
If you are under 18 years old, permission from a Parent or Guardian is required.
You must follow me on Bloglovin.
All entries will be checked and any false entries will be removed.
The winner will be notified by email within 48 hours of the competition ending and will need to respond within 14 days otherwise a new winner will be chosen.
The winner’s name will be announced on my Twitter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck!

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15 responses to “One Year Blogiversary Giveaway”

  1. best giveaway ever all my favourites! xxxx

  2. Belle D says:

    Lovely prizes xx

  3. Eee! 1 year?! Congratulations 🙂 Its always so exciting to hit a milestone. Ill be at 3 years in November…
    Fab giveaway too, such (pardon the pun) lush items! Ill have to remember to enter when Im on the laptop tomorrow 😛

    • admin says:

      Thank you! Can't believe it's been a year, it's passed so quickly! 3 years is impressive, I always wonder if I will get bored of it by then lol. Good luck xx

  4. Lovely prizes. This Mamma would find food relaxing pampering time with these to use! x

  5. annie says:

    love all the giveway

  6. Happy blog birthday! Here's to many more happy years of blogging! 🙂 xx

  7. Grace says:

    Happy bloggiversary, here's to many more years of blogging

    Grace ♥

  8. Lovely prizes, have only just discovered your blog but am a fan 🙂

  9. laura avery says:

    wow how lovely, fab blog too x

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