Things To Do This Autumn Season

Things to do in Autumn | Take photos of nature

Like many people, Autumn is my absolute favourite time of the year.  I just love everything about it; cosy nights in, comforting food and fun events like Halloween, Bonfire Night and my birthday.  Although I get less excited about my birthday with every year that passes.  If you are looking for some ideas on things to do this Autumn season then I’ve got a few for you below.



Things to do this Autumn Season


Woodland Walks

Wrap up warm and go out for a woodland walk.  You could even collect some conkers, acorns, leaves, etc to make some Autumn crafts.
Things to do this Autumn | Woodland Walks

Decorate Your Home

Cosy up your house with throws, cushions, fairy lights and Autumn decor.  I have a post on how to decorate your home for Autumn (coming soon) you might be interested in.


Forage For Fruit

Forage for blackberries and bake an Apple and Blackberry Crumble.  If you are struggling to see any in the wild you can usually find them in the supermarket aisles.


Hot Chocolate

Make some hot chocolate and top with marshmallows and even squirty cream if you fancy.  I found some Lucky Charms Hot Chocolate in B&M (£3.99) to try.

ETA:  These were absolutely disgusting!  I love sweet things but this was far too sweet even for me.

Lucky Charms Hot Chocolate Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa

Pumpkin Patch

Go to a Pumpkin Patch to pick a pumpkin.  Usually they have a few activities going on for kids there too.  Just remember and wear wellies, it can get very muddy!


Take Photographs

Nature is very pretty this time of year with all the beautiful colours so take your camera (or phone) out with you and take lots of photographs.

Things to do in Autumn | Take photos of nature

Plant Bulbs

Plant some bulbs in pots or in your garden so you can have daffodils, crocuses, tulips and hyacinths flowering in the Spring.  We have just planted a few different types of tulips for our Springtime blooms.
Things to do this Autumn | Plant bulbs for Spring

Autumn Picnic

Grab a blanket, some flasks of coffee, tea or hot chocolate and some sausage rolls, doughnuts or mini apple pies and sit amongst the Autumn leaves.


Update Your Wardrobe

Update your wardrobe for Autumn.  Time to put away the T-shirts and sandals from Summer and get out the cosy knits, boots and warm coats.  Maybe you need a warm new coat this year or you’ve had your eye on a new jumper. I bought a mustard coloured (perfect for Autumn) cosy jumper for only £8 in the New Look sale.  However if you have children you can guarantee they will require a whole new wardrobe of clothes; wellies, waterproofs, jumpers, hats, gloves, etc!


Autumn Crafts

Do some Autumn crafts.  There are plenty of things to be found on Pinterest or you can pick up some craft kits.  I seem to have half of Baker Ross’ warehouse in my house!  They have really good clearance sales so I tend to pick up a few seasonal things throughout the year.


Make S’Mores

If you have a fire pit or even some disposable bbqs at home why not make S’Mores.  Get some sticks or skewers (not metal ones, ouch!), bag of big marshmallows, chocolate and biscuits (such as digestives, Rich Teas, etc).  A cheat’s way is to get chocolate digestives to sandwich your marshmallow between.


Autumn Scents

Burn some Autumn scented candles or wax melts. If you prefer sweet scents like me I bought some wax melts from Etsy that are Cinnamon Bun, Pumpkin Pie and Salted Caramel & Pistachio fragranced.    They smell good enough to eat!  If sweet smells isn’t your thing then pick a more earthy or woody scent such as cedar or amber.
Things to do this Autumn | AutumnScented Wax Melts


Autumn is definitely pie season!  You may decide to make a hearty steak pie, comforting vegetarian cottage pie or a delicious pumpkin pie.  Or maybe you would prefer to buy one instead.  Which one do you prefer, a sweet or savoury filling?
Autumn/Thanksgiving Recipe

Autumn Cleaning

Not such a fun thing to do but ‘Autumn Cleaning’.  Just like Spring cleaning in the well….Spring but we do it again in the Autumn.  Sweep away all those cobwebs from those bloody spiders that come into the house at this time of year, clear out the toys that no longer get played with before Santa brings some new ones and have your home all sparkly clean.  I Googled to see if you can get Autumn scented cleaning products and turns out you can!  Zoflora apparently has both Autumn and Winter scented disinfectants.  **Heads to Home Bargains to buy some**

Watch TV

Autumn is when all the good stuff hits our TVs.  You could binge watch a new show on Netflix, make a date with Strictly every Saturday night until Christmas or just rewatch some of your old favourites.  Noah is just sitting long enough to watch a short film so we will snuggle up under a blanket and watch something together on a rainy day.


Long Soak In A Bath

A bath isn’t something that I have very often now as it’s usually a quick shower and out again so when I get the chance I always like to have a long soak in one.  Lush always have some cute Autumnal/Halloween bath bombs at this time of year so why not pick up one (or two) for a seasonal bathtime.  You could also have a few candles lit for a more relaxing bath but watch you don’t relax too much and fall asleep!


Pumpkin Flavoured Everything

Eat pumpkin flavoured everything!  A Pumpkin Spiced Latte from Starbucks.  Pumpkin & Sage Raviolini (gluten free so I’m going to give this a try).  Quite even fancy trying to make a Pumpkin Cheesecake this recipe from BBC Good Food sounds good but will need to modify it a bit to be gluten free.


Read A Book

Read a new book.  I should really take this bit of advice for myself as I bought a new book in July 2020 and I’ve still not read it yet.  However Noah has 286413 books in his collection and I’ve managed to read them to him so I guess it’s children’s books for me just now!  While I can’t give you any recommendations on adult reads I have a post on Autumn books for Toddlers and also an Autumn Books for Children post too if you are looking for new reads for them.
Things to do this Autumn | Read Books Children’s Autumn Books

Go to an Oktoberfest

Although there might not be as many on this year due to the ongoing pandemic, there does seem to be some happening in the UK.  If you still want to participate but don’t fancy the crowds why not have one at home?  Buy various German beers, bratwursts and download some Oompa music and you are ready to go.

I hope that this list of Things To Do In Autumn Season has given you a few ideas to enjoy at this time of year.


Things to do this Autumn Season | Fun things to do this Autumn for the family

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