45 Summer Blog Post Ideas

45 Summer Blog Post Ideas | Summer themed blog post ideas for all niches

After the lovely weather on Saturday (and Sunday as well if you were lucky enough) thoughts are turning towards the Summer months of al fresco dining, holidays and sunshine.  But what if your thoughts aren’t turning to ideas for blog posts and you are stuck for ideas.  I previously published his post in 2018  with 30 Summer blog post ideas and I’ve now updated it with a few more ideas.  So here is my updated 45 Summer blog post ideas!  I also have 40 Spring blog post ideas as well as Autumn blog post ideas if you want to check them out.

45 Summer Blog Post Ideas | Summer themed blog post ideas for all niches

45 Summer Blog Post Ideas


  1. Things you love about Summer – list the things you love about this season.
  2. What’s In My Suitcase – tell us what you are packing in your suitcase to bring on holiday. Bonus points if you include packing tips to stop your suitcase from bursting open at the airport.
  3. Photo Diary – show us pics of your summer holiday and what you got up to.
  4. Summer Skincare Routine – let us know what products we should be using to keep our skin protected during the sunny months.
  5. How to Host a Summer Garden Party/BBQ – tell us what we need for the perfect summer party.
  6. Summer DIY – take a look on Pinterest and get your paint/glue/scissors out
  7. Picnic Week – is 22nd-28th June so tell us what Picnic Essentials we need.
  8. Summer crafts for kids- tell us what crafty things we can make to clutter up our house with.
  9. Events in your town or city – let people know of any upcoming events happening where you live such as festivals, markets and shows.
  10. Picnic Food – what picnic food we should be making or buying to take out with us.
  11. Summer Playlist – what will you be listening to on your car journey to go on holiday.
  12. Update your Garden – now that the weather is warmer (or more than likely raining if you are in the UK!) and you will be in your garden more show us how you made your garden pretty.
  13. Summer Holiday Wishlist – if money was no object where would you most like to go.
  14. Outdoor Activities for kids – tell us what activities will entertain our kids outside.
  15. BBQ Recipes – what grilled goodies will you be serving up at your bbq.
  16. Summer/Festival Fashion Wishlist – tell us what you will be wearing this season.
  17. What You Will Be Reading – what books should we be taking with us to read on the beach.
  18. Summer Cocktail Recipe – what should we be sipping on this Summer.
  19. Best Garden Toys – to keep our homes nice and tidy what toys should we have in our garden to keep the kids outdoors.
  20. Last Minute Holiday Ideas – tell us of any last minute deals that are out there that we could take.
  21. Summer Morning/Evening Routine – show us what your routine is like during the Summer months.
  22. Best restaurants/things to do in……. – tell us where we should be heading to in whichever city you holidayed in.
  23. Things to do this Summer – write a list post on things we can do during the Summer months.
  24. What To Wear To A Wedding – now that wedding season is upon us show us what outfits we should be wearing.
  25. Exercises To Get Beach Ready – show us what exercises we should be doing to look good on the beach.
  26. Host a giveaway – is it your blog’s birthday? Or maybe you want to thank your readers? Hosting a giveaway tends to get you more traffic to your blog as well as potential new followers.
  27. Summer Bucket List – tell us what’s on this season’s bucket list for you.
  28. Reasons To Have A Staycation – not everyone is able to go abroad on holiday so tell us why we should holiday here in the UK.
  29. Ice Cream Recipe – show is how to make some tasty ice cream to help us cool down.
  30. Festival Must Haves – what should we be wearing/taking with us to festivals.
  31. What’s in my Beach Bag – tell us the must-haves you will be taking down to the beach with you.
  32. Summer Photo Props – show us what props you use in your photos for the Summer season.
  33. A Summer Recipe – maybe you have a salad, cake or lunch recipe you want to share with us.
  34. Summer Clothing Haul – whether it’s for you or for your children show us what you will be wearing this Summer.
  35. A Day/Weekend in My Life – tell us what happens in a typical day/weekend in your life.  Include photos too or it didn’t happen!
  36. Travelling on a Budget – know of any money saving hacks for holidays? Let us know how we can travel for less.
  37. Favourite Summer Memories – share your favourite memories from childhood holidays or even more recent.
  38. Easy Summer Hairstyles – show us how to style our/kids hair to stay cool on hot days.
  39. Fake Tan Review/Tips – we all know that it is safer than sun so tell us what your favourite fake tan is and why as well as sharing your tips on how to maintain it.
  40. Five Best Instagram Accounts to Follow – tell us who we should be following on IG for food, travel & fluffy cats pics.
  41. Back To School Haul – going back to school means new stationery, clothes, etc so show is what you’ve bought.
  42. Father’s Day Ideas – give us some ideas on what to buy the Dads or Father Figures in our lives.
  43. Afternoon Tea Week – This runs from 10th-16th August.  You can either host your own Afternoon Tea at home or head to somewhere that does.
  44. Holiday Disaster – maybe your hotel wasn’t finished being built or you lost your passport so tell us of any disasters you’ve had on holiday.
  45. Free Things To Do This Summer – tell us what free things we can get up to over the Summer months.




Do you have any Summer blog post ideas? If you have any I’d love to read them in the comments below.

45 Summer Blog Post Ideas | Summer themed blog post ideas for all niches

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12 responses to “45 Summer Blog Post Ideas”

  1. Thanks for the ideas. I’ll definitely do the top 5 accounts to follow. Now I for sure won’t have writer’s block.

  2. Tajinder says:

    Great post ideas for this season, I’ll definitely be using a few, thank you for sharing dear.

    Tx. // MusicGeekOnline

  3. Kim Carberry says:

    Ohh! Fab ideas! I will be borrowing some of these x

  4. Carol says:

    Thanks for giving me blog post ideas – sometimes I need inspiration. I won’t be going on vacation this summer which usually gives me all kinds of things to write about. By the time it’s safe to fly, it will be fall. #MMBC

    • Denise says:

      No problem! Glad you found it useful. I know, I think we should write off 2020 we are half way through and it’s all been bad. Hopefully it’s safe to fly soon

  5. Astrid says:

    These are all awesome ideas! Will be using some of these for my posts in the summer. My blogiversary as well as my birthday are in the summer, so I may do something for those too. #MMBC

  6. Oh lots of fab ideas! I think we could all do with some inspiration during these crazy times! xx

    • Denise says:

      Thank you! It’s definitely crazy times, hopefully we can do more things once restrictions are eased further and make our lives (and blogs) a bit more exciting!

  7. Joanne says:

    These are great ideas!! Pinning for the next time I’m stuck on what to write about. #MMBC

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