Christmas isn’t too far away and what should be an enjoyable time of year can end up a stressful experience. Maybe you find that Christmas sends you into a blind panic as you end up rushing around last minute doing the Christmas shopping? Or you find yourself fighting over the last turkey in the supermarket aisle? Last minute wrapping presents on Christmas Eve? If this sounds like you, don’t worry I used to be like that too until I got myself more organised with my DIY Christmas Planner and some helpful tips. These Ten Tips For A Stress Free Christmas should help you have a more enjoyable time!
It’s a bit late to start this one now but can prepare you for next year. Just remember where you’ve put them for the following year.
All it takes is for something to happen like an illness and you can lose a week or two of getting things organised. The earlier you start the better. I started buying things throughout the year as it is not only stops you from panic buying it also spreads the cost over the year.
The supermarkets can be pretty horrendous the closer it gets to the big day. You don’t want to be there on Christmas Eve rugby tackling the last turkey so no one else can get it. I usually book mine for the 22nd. So if there is anything missing from my order or I’ve been given a crappy substitute then I still have time to buy whatever it is. Usually if you have a delivery plan then you get first dibs as they open the slots earlier for you. If you haven’t already signed up here are Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Asda and Morrisons delivery plans.
Guaranteed your kids will receive 346421 toys that will all require batteries of varying sizes. Make sure you have enough to last through the festive period.
You don’t want to put up your Christmas tree to find that the lights don’t switch on and then rush out to buy new ones. This reminds me of one year when I was younger and had house rabbits. Rosie the Rabbit decided to chew through the wires of the Christmas lights and my Mum had to go out and buy a new set. The only ones left in the shop were musical ones. Tinny sounding tunes such as Silent Night, We Wish You A Merry Christmas and Jingle Bells were played out as the tree lights flashed. It took my Dad a few hours to discover that you could mute the music on the lights. They only lasted one Christmas as Rosie chewed that ones too!
Taking photos of the presents that you have already bought or making a note of them in your phone should stop you from buying duplicates. It’s easy to forget every thing you have bought for people when you have 67481 things going on in your head. This way you can keep track of the things you already have hidden away.
Buy two or three emergency gifts such as bottles of Prosecco, gift cards, fancy chocolates and biscuits. This means that if you are given an unexpected present you have something already to gift avoiding any awkwardness.
Wrapping your presents as you go along or dedicating a few evenings to wrap the gifts will help avoid gift wrap burnout. You could even make it a Festive night with Christmas music, nibbles and wine. This avoids panic wrapping at Midnight on Christmas Eve and not getting to bed until 2.30am.
Meal plan for Christmas Eve and Boxing Day as well as for Christmas Day. By doing this you know what you will be having and not stressing about what to eat when you’ve got 56432 things to do before bed or have visitors coming over. Normally we have Cherry Cola Ham on Christmas Eve and left overs on Boxing Day.
If you are hosting Christmas Dinner then set up the table, chairs and glasses on Christmas Eve to save you rushing around Christmas Morning. Par boil the veg too if you can. Also set out the presents before you head to bed to prevent an early morning headless chicken impersonation.
So those are my ten tips for a stress free Christmas. Are there any tips that you have that make your Christmas less stressful? Share them below.
55 Advent Calendar Activity Ideas
Fab tips! Every little helps doesn’t it?! I’m normailly quite organised but we are throwing moving house into the mix this year! We must be mad. 🙂
Thanks for being part of #MMBC. x
Some great tips here. I am sure Christmas this year will be more stressful than usual with me out of action and being mid kitchen renovations! I have started my shopping and wrapping as you go makes it so much easier. I also plan on getting our food delivered this year to save the supermarket scrum! #mmbc
Every year I say I’m going to buy the cards and wrapping supplies in the boxing day sales but never do. This year I will!
I usually get my food shop delivered on the 23rd so I have time to go out and get anything else I need.
Taking photos of the presents is such a good idea! #MMBC
Every year I say I’m going to wrap as I go along but I always spend a frenzied evening or two wrapping like crazy. I do forget the presents I’ve wrapped too, so taking a photo would be a good idea. I’m really good a getting in first with the grocery delivery slots. Great tips!