I think it’s safe to say that autumn is pretty much at our doorstep now. The weather seems to have changed from a tropical (for Scotland) 22°c to 13°c in the space of a few days. There’s something quite magical at this time of the year with the changing colour as leaves get ready to fall, the warm sun with the cool air and wrapping up cosy. I’m actually quite excited for this! Autumn is my favourite season as it means darker nights, cosy nights in, candles and fairy lights. Plus September is my birthday month. I’m thinking of doing an Autumn Bucket List every year for us of things to do. The chances are I probably won’t even get half of this list done but the thought is there, right?!
This is what’s on our Autumn bucket list this year. Some of it is things we can do as a family, on our own as adults as well as some toddler activities.
We live near quite a few parks and wooded trails. This is a perfect way to see the pretty scenery and to hopefully tire Noah out for bed.
Our turn to go knocking on the neighbours’ doors and get sweets for a change. I’ve been supplying the local kids with sweets for the last 10 Halloweens, now it’s payback time!
Something quick and easy as I don’t think Noah will sit still long enough. Jack Skellington was an easy one to do from my previous carving attempts.
With sausage rolls, hot chocolate and apple pies. Also will need to be ready to run to our car if it starts chucking down with rain.
I’ve got a previous Pumpkin Pie recipe on here that I want to update so will be the perfect opportunity.
I’ve already got a couple of outfits lined up for Noah. I also have a couple myself from previous years but will see what the weather is like on the night before I decide.
Noah last Halloween
I used to go all out and decorate our house but haven’t the last two years due to pregnancy and then a baby. Will probably need to tone it down this year due to little hands picking things up and saying “Dat?!” then likely breaking them.
Last year I thought Noah would be too young and might be scared so didn’t go. When our town’s Christmas lights were switched on he didn’t seem fazed at all about the loud banging noises when the fireworks were set off. Will see how he is this year.
Autumn is the start of hot drink season. If you’re not a coffee drinker like me then hot chocolate is a good choice. I don’t like whipped cream on mine but love all the extras like marshmallows, sprinkles, etc.
I do love my Slow Cooker. It’s one of my favourite kitchen gadgets. Although I’ve got a few tried and tested recipes I’m always on the look out for more. Hit me up with any tasty recipes that you’ve tried. If you are looking for some I have a Pinterest board dedicated to Slow Cooker recipes.
I’m not talking about a fancy photo shoot with a professional photographer but one that I can do myself. Will wrap up warm and take some pics when we are out and about.
Apparently there is a pumpkin patch in Aberdeenshire so will need to head there this year to pick up our pumpkin.
I think reading seasonal themed books to toddlers is a really good idea. It helps them to understand what’s happening with the changing seasons as well as festivities such as Halloween, Christmas and Easter. I’ve got two posts coming up on toddler books for Autumn and Halloween.
I do love a scary film although as years have passed I’m not too keen on the gruesome blood and guts ones. Halloween is probably one of my favourites. Mike Myers standing there in his creepy mask sends a shiver down my spine.
I’ve seen a few really good ideas on Pinterest about Autumn sensory play for toddlers so will be attempting that this year.
Ive got a few other ideas we can do but they can wait for another year. Do you have an Autumn Bucket List? What’s on yours? Let me know in the comments below.
Autumn is perfect for cute photos and beautiful colours. Halloween is my big event of the year here at the farm too so lots of pumpkin carving and ghostly activities on offer. #TwinklyTuesday
Oooh your Halloween sounds a lot of fun! Can I come? These last few months of the year are definitely the best with the pretty scenery before the twinkly coloured lights of Christmas arrive.
I do love a good autumn bucket list and fab activities to get excited about X #twinklytuesday
It’s the first time I’ve done one so hopefully I can complete it 😊 They do seem like fun though
Aww Noah looks so cute in last years Halloween costume. Your autumn bucket list is great and very similar to my own. #TwinklyTuesday
Awww thank you ☺️, he does doesn’t he? If only they stayed that small just a little bit longer. Enjoy doing your Autumn bucket list
Noah made a cute little pumpkin! Autumn is my favourite season too, I love the nights drawing in and the chill in the air. Thanks for linking up #twinklytuesday
Thank you ☺️! I think Autumn is a lot of people’s favourite season as it’s the start of exciting times ahead.
What a fun autumn bucket list! I’m just planning ours too.
Hope you have loads of fun working your way through it. 🙂
And thanks so much for sharing with #MMBC. x
Thanks! 😊 I’m hoping that I can try and complete most of it. I hope you have fun completing your Autumn bucket list. xx