Blogtober Day 17 – #Photoanhour Challenge

Blogtober photo challenge


Today is #photoanhour Challenge day arranged by Jane from Is That You, Darling? I had never done this challenge  before until last month and I certainly had fun doing it, I also came across some fab bloggers/Instagramers that I probably wouldn’t have found before had it not been for doing this.

So I have decided to give it another go today but as I am working 8am-12pm I cannot promise a) a photo during these hours and b) anything exciting either but hey it’s giving a snapshot into my life and you take the mundane and boring as well as the more exciting stuff that happens (probably more boring today though).  I still find what other people consider boring in their day to day lives, fascinating as it’s giving you an insight into how people live and let’s face it no-one’s life is filled with constant shopping, spa treatments, exotic destinations, parties, lavish food in fancy restaurants and meeting rich and famous people on a daily basis unless of course you are rich and famous yourself!

If you are doing the #photoanhour Challenge then let me know by leaving your link below so I can see how you are spending today but also so I can add a link to your blog when I write up my blog post 🙂


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