Slimming World Sunday | Weigh In 1 & 2


After being on the Slimming World diet for two weeks and sticking to it properly I have lost a total of….. weight for it (see what I did there)…2lb. To say that I’m disappointed is an understatement; I’ve not had any crisps, alcohol or biscuits just my free foods, speed foods, Hex A/Bs and I’ve kept my syns to around 7.5 a day so part of me just thinks “f**k it, gimme some pizza (gluten & dairy free version, obvs)!” but I will stick it out for a couple more weeks to see if it starts to shift and if not then will try something else.

I lost 1.5lbs the first week and 0.5lb last week which is pretty poor but my class consultant said that not everyone has a big loss in their first couple of weeks, including herself so I’m hoping that I lose at least 2 more pounds at weigh-in on Wednesday night. Hearing of people who started at the same time as you lose 7lb and getting their first sticker it’s hard not to feel a bit like a little green eyed monster but I’m hopeful that I will get a better loss this week as I have managed to get an extra Jazzercise class in this week, eaten fruit and veg til it’s coming out of my ears and drinking more water so that should kick my metabolism into gear.

I have also discovered butternut squash waffle or squaffles as they are called in Sainsbury’s and I find these perfect for cooked breakfast, all you need to do is spray them with Frylight and bung them in the oven for 20 minutes. These squaffles are classed as speed food so as the name suggests eating a lot of these types of foods on the Slimming World should speed up your weight loss (here’s hoping!).

Have any of you tried the Slimming World cook books? Have been tempted to buy one to try a few more different recipes. Also what do you do when you don’t get the loss that you are looking for?


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