Elf on the Shelf Arrival Ideas

Elf on the Shelf Arrival Ideas

Are you planning on having an Elf on the Shelf join your family this year?   Are you an idiot for even thinking about doing this along with the other 585313 things needing doing at Christmas time (answer: yes, yes you are!)  stressing about how to introduce the Elf on the Shelf to your kids? Don’t panic, you are in luck! This post will help you give you some Elf on the Shelf Arrival Ideas.

Whether you love them or loathe them, the Elf on the Shelf seems to be rising in popularity and kids are excited to see what their elves are getting up to.  I did attempt to do this last year with Noah but he couldn’t care less about it and gave up after Day 3!  I think he was too young last year but this year he is more aware of Christmas and Santa so will give it another go this year.  If you are looking for some creative Elf on the Shelf arrival ideas then I’ve got a few for you!

Elf on the Shelf Arrival Ideas


Host a North Pole Breakfast

Last year our elves arrived with a North Pole Breakfast, an advent calendar and Christmas Pyjamas.  It might be a bit rushed this year with the 1st December being on a Tuesday if you have school or nursery to get ready for but a few festive napkins and some tasty treats will give your children a lovely surprise as they meet their new visitors.  If you don’t have time in the morning for a breakfast why not have a North Pole dinner instead? That’s my plan for this year as I start work at 8am and there’s no way we will have time in the morning.

How To Host A North Pole Breakfast

Write a Letter

Why not introduce your elf by writing a letter to your child?  There are plenty of ideas online on what to write in it.  You could even use it as a reminder for them to be on their best behaviour over the next few weeks!  There are also printables available online if you prefer to save time.


Doorway from the North Pole

You can buy Elf doors from stores such as Home Bargains or online from Etsy/eBay.  Stick them on a skirting board or wall and that can be their portal to your home from the North Pole.  I picked one up last year from Home Bargains and decorated it with stickers and a North Pole sign.


Arrive in Style

If you have a toy car, tractor, truck, or aeroplane big enough for your elf to sit in they could arrive in that.  It will look like they have travelled to your home from the North Pole in their chosen mode of transport.

Elf on the Shelf Arrival Ideas | Arriving in a Tractor

I’m Back Announcement

If you have a felt letter board or a light box they could announce their arrival by using the letters to spell out their welcome.  If you don’t have either of these then writing their announcement on a small chalk board, post it notes or even spelling it out with some sweets will work just as well.

Elf on the Shelf Arrival Ideas | Felt Letter Board Announcement

Elf Delivery

A fun and different way for your elf to return is by having him ‘delivered in a box’ to your front door from the North Pole. Place your elf in a cardboard box with some Christmas shredded tissue paper and maybe a treat or two.  Sprinkle some fake snow around your doorstep and the box for extra authenticity.



You can buy balloons to trap your elf into which will then need to be burst to set them free.  Some local balloon companies can arrange personalised arrival balloons for your elf.  Last year I bought a personalised orb balloon with Noah’s name on it.  Last year I ordered a candy cane balloon personalised with Noah’s name and a Polaroid picture of him with an arrival message from our elves Buddy and Tilly Twinkletoes.

Elf Arrival Balloon

Elf on the Shelf Arrival Ideas | Elf Rules


I hope this post gave you some Elf on the Shelf Arrival Ideas.  Let me know which one you decided to do or if you did something else instead.

Elf on the Shelf Arrival Ideas | Looking for creative and fun ways for your Christmas elves to arrive? Then read on to find out

If you are looking for more Christmas posts:

Ten Tips for a Stress Free Christmas 

DIY Christmas Planner

Elf on the Shelf Ideas for Toddlers


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