After having kids many mums are happy with their weight and their bodies and that is fantastic. I am all for body positivity. However I’m not one of them. I never put that much weight on while I was pregnant but that was likely due to having gestational diabetes and watching what I ate. I had to monitor my blood glucose before every meal and two hours after. Sadly that meant no “baby wants cake/chocolate/insert high sugary food choice here” from me. This meant the week after he was born I was only 3lb heavier than I was pre-pregnancy. I had started Slimming World a few months before I got pregnant and lost just under a stone. Since having Noah I have actually put all the weight back on and tbh I’m not happy.
Being a short arse only 5 foot 2 any extra weight cannot be hidden. Plus I want to be able to wear the clothes I have in my wardrobe and for them to fit me. Not living in jeans and a baggy top to hide the extra weight. I want to stop feeling so frumpy and start loving what I wear. So I’ve decided to start Slimming World again. I’m hoping that by following the diet and going to Jazzercise I can shift those unwanted extra pounds. Although last time on Slimming World I went to the classes, this time I’m on my own as I’m doing it all online.
I decided to do Slimming World online instead of the group sessions as the classes are just on a Wednesday in our town. Hell would have to freeze over before I would take Noah to a class with me!! He’d be bored, wouldn’t sit still and he’s at that age where he has discovered the joys of having a tantrum. Although it says membership is from £5 a week you do have to pay upfront for the first 3 months. There are 3 different packages to choose from; bronze, silver and gold. I chose the silver package where I have 3 months online access plus a subscription to the Slimming World Magazine. This cost £65 but I found a discount code online from Fat Girl Skinny which saved me £15. After the 3 months you then pay £20 a month to continue your online access.
I signed up on Friday but will start officially on Monday. This will give me time to eat all the crap in the cupboards stock up on healthy food and to plan meals for the week ahead. My starting weight is 10 stone 7lbs and I’m aiming to drop to 9 stone. So will find out next Friday how much I’ve lost.
Two years ago I ran a series called Slimming World Sunday where I shared my weight loss journey as well as recipes and tips. So as of today it is being resurrected. While I will aim to keep the posts weekly I have to be realistic and that might not happen every week as I now have a very active toddler into the equation.
Have you tried Slimming World Online? Did you prefer to do it online or going to group sessions? Let me know below.