Meal Planning Monday


It was quite a change to the weather yesterday, starting off with some hailstones and then snow. We have been quite lucky up here as it has normally snowed quite a bit by now but we have only had one day where the snow had been lying which was at the start of December and a couple of days where there was a quick flurry of snow, other than that nothing!

The colder weather always makes me want to eat warm, comforting foods but since I went shopping on Friday the meal plan has already been set.

Friday – We had Tacos, we were going to have them on the Thursday but some numpty (me) forgot to buy passata/tinned tomatoes and so we had a takeaway instead.

Saturday – Was Italian night so I made bruschetta for a starter then we had meatballs and pasta.

Sunday – We had Chicken Fajitas, crispy chicken ones for Mr M and smoky BBQ ones for me.

Monday – Another Mexican meal but this time it is Chicken Enchiladas, this means we can use up the rest of the guacamole/salsa/soured cream, etc from yesterday.

Tuesday – I bought a Groupon voucher for afternoon tea at a Hotel (I’m taking my Mum) so I doubt I will be that hungry later in the evening but Mr M can have Scampi and Chips.

Wednesday – Going out for an Indian meal with my friend, this is another Groupon deal that I bought.  I had King Prawn Pathia last time so will have that again.  Mr M won’t starve though as he is going to his Mum’s!

Thursday – There are sausages in the freezer that need using up so it will be Sausage Casserole.

What are you having this week?  As usual, I have linked up to At Home with Mrs M’s Meal Planning Link, if you want to do the same click on the link or tweet #mealplanningmonday


Meal Planning Monday


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8 responses to “Meal Planning Monday”

  1. Love all Mexican food, I could probably live quite happily on that and Indian food.

    • admin says:

      I could definitely live on Mexican, Spanish & Chinese food :)! Much more exciting than Scampi & Chips! Thanks for dropping in by xx

  2. Sounds a nice week – enjoy your meals out 🙂

    • admin says:

      Thank you, the afternoon tea was delicious & there were loads to eat. I was taking photos of the cake stand and sandwiches; my Mum just looked at me strangely :)! Thanks for dropping in by xx

  3. Kim Carberry says:

    Everything sounds so good…..Well done with the groupon deals x

    • admin says:

      Thanks, there are loads of deals that don't interest me but I think I got lucky with these two. The Indian meal for two tomorrow was only £13. That is for two courses each & the food there is really nice too 🙂 xx

  4. Belle says:

    I should probably start making meal plans, half the time my brain just goes blank trying to think what to cook and I end up making the same things over and over, doesn't help that I'm not exactly good at cooking haha! Plus my Tesco food bill is getting out of hand and doing something like this could probably help.

    Belle x Part of Belle's world

    • admin says:

      It is a good idea ………but only if you stick to it! That's the part that I've not mastered yet ha ha :)! It is amazing how much you end up spending when you go in for a couple of items and come out with a couple of carriers instead cos you didn't have anything in mind for dinner xx

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