New Year Goals



Personal Planner; Dot Creates Blog Planner; New Year Goals blog post

Happy 2017! That is going to take some getting used isn’t it? Normally it takes me until March before I start getting the year right when writing as I keep putting the previous year down instead and I’m sure I’m not the only one that does this :)!  I always find the start of a new year an ideal time for making changes in your life, working on goals for the year ahead and focusing on things that really matter.  I feel that if I give myself hard resolutions such as “must lose weight”, “must blog more”, etc then that is a sure fire way for me to fail so instead I’ve made them into goals where they can easily be achieved by varying degrees of success.

Personal Goals

Diet – The effects of having 5 IVFs with pumping your body with different hormones, being on steroids to suppress my immune system, etc has meant that I have gained a stone and a half in the three years from when I had my first cycle.  I really want to shift this weight especially before my next cycle (and put on even more) I don’t want to start a crazy new year diet that will last a few weeks before I give up so I am making healthy lifestyle choices such as eat more fruit and veg, eat only when I am hungry and drink more water which will become a habit rather than a diet.

Exercise – My exercise regime is non-existent, I drive to work sit at my desk and drive home again to sit on the sofa watching tv or blogging.  I’m never going to be a gym bunny as that doesn’t interest me but I am quite keen to start Jazzercise as dancing doesn’t feel such a chore like lifting weights or running on a treadmill.  I’ve had a look and there is a few classes in my town so will start going next week.

Make more time for me – I used to have a pamper session a couple of times a week where I would give myself a facial, have a relaxing bath and use the hundreds of lotions and potions that I am a sucker for but that has slipped over the past few months.  I really need to get back into this again as its a lovely way to relax after a long day at work as well as set you up for the week ahead if you do it on a Sunday.

Declutter – I really need to get on top of this as There. Is. No. Space. left in my house, I really need to be ruthless as I have lots of things that are just lingering in cupboards and drawers barely used if at all.  My vintage things are staying as some of them hold sentimental value but for everything else I need to donate, sell or bin depending on what the items are to free up some space.

Blogging Goals

Improve my photography – I look back at my photos when I first started blogging and lol as I used to take them on my iPad and knew nothing about editing, photo props and angles but I’m really starting to get into it now especially after buying a new camera in the Summer.  I got a 45mm lens for Christmas so I am going to experiment more with the photos I take.

Instagram & Facebook – Following on from my photography goals I really need to post on both my Instagram and Facebook a lot more.  I gave up on FB as the posts were only being seen by a few people so seemed pointless when I could use the time on other social media to promote posts, etc so have decided to take another shot at it.

Blog twice a week – As I work full time (including 12hr shifts) I need to be realistic about how many posts I can write up, take photos for, promote and reply to comments and I feel that two should be manageable.  I did do Blogmas but never managed to complete it due to being ill and although I had already scheduled a few posts in advance it was a struggle to promote the posts, reply to comments and write up/photograph content, etc so I’m not going to do that again as everything was so rushed.  I bought myself a blog planner from Dot Creates to help me be more organised in my approach to blogging.

I am sure that there are other goals that I could think of but they can be saved until next year. What are your goals for this year?

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